Available to provide expert cultural heritage management services to public and private sector clients, as well as heritage industry consultancies in Victoria.
Project compliance
​Fulfilment of compliance conditions approved under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 in Cultural Heritage Management Plans (CHMPs) and cultural heritage permits, such as:
Cultural heritage inductions (awareness training)
Site inspections
Artefact repatriation
Traditional Owner engagement
Enactment of Contingencies
Record edits for Aboriginal places registrations
Cultural heritage assessments
Historical Heritage Assessments
Historical Archaeological Consents
Cultural Heritage Management Plans
Due diligence assessments
Letters of advice
Preliminary Aboriginal Heritage Tests (PAHTs)
Cultural heritage permits
Site registrations (Aboriginal and historic)
Reporting and Quality Assurance
Archaeological Services
Lead or assist in field surveys and excavations required for Standard and Complex Assessments in CHMPs, salvages and historical excavations.​ Undertake site inspections for the assessment of Significant Ground Disturbance.
Available to complete field recording and reporting according to the guidelines and Act requirements for both Aboriginal and historic heritage assessments.